As we say goodbye to the warm days and cool nights of spring and begin to embrace the hotter and wetter summer weather, it’s time to think about your residential pest control. Coming into the wet summer season, pests will be looking for a dry place to harbour. They don’t like the wet weather! And of course residential pest control is tricky in wet weather as often we can only treat the inside of the house.
After the rains have gone the calls flood in from frustrated homeowners wanting to get the pests out of the house again.
The best way to prevent a wet weather pest infestation is to have an annual pest spray done in and around the home for all the common household pests, such as cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, and ants.
Having a yearly residential pest control treatment will limit the number of pests entering the home during inclement weather. When a home is treated for annual pest extermination, the sprays are applied to the outer edges of the home on the outside and then the same is done on the inside.
For problem pests such as ants, treatments are longer lasting if the nest or colony can be located and treated. To treat an ants nest an insecticide is flooded into the nest and its surrounds.
On the inside of the home, all the skirting boards are sprayed with a fine spray of an approved insecticide. The products we use have a long residual effect to help keep pests away for a longer period of time. This means they will not break down in a short period of time. The products these days are designed to last for the duration of a service warranty, which is usually 12 months depending on the pest.
How Long Will It Last
Depending on where the insecticide is used will ultimately depend on how long the product will last. For instance, when used outside in direct sunlight, insecticides tend to break down a lot faster. If used in areas where sunlight is limited then they can last longer.
To back up the sprays we also use products such as gels and dust. These are a very important part of the whole process, as they have a much longer lasting residual when used correctly in conjunction with the sprays.
The gels are used in kitchen cupboards and applied to items in the kitchen like the coffee makers or toasters. These are items that pests love as they have plenty of food scraps in and around them. In particular, cockroaches love coffee makers – read all about it in one of my earlier blogs.
The dust is used around the kitchen under the large appliances like the fridge, oven and dishwasher, and in other areas around the home. The most important place for it to be applied is the roof void – this area is a hot spot for all sorts of pests.
For successful residential pest control, it’s essential for the roof void to be treated by dispensing fine permethrin dust into the area with an electric blower. This helps to get rid of cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, ants, lice and mites. Lice and mites can find their way into roof voids on the back of birds and possums and even rats that may be nesting in the roof.
For a pest-free home make sure you get a pest treatment done yearly. Call us now to book in!