

Sunnystate Pest Control Brisbane, Queensland

Get Rid Of Rats In The Roof Void

Rats In The Roof

Rats in the roof are more common than you would expect and they can cause a lot of damage.

The pitta patter of rats running around in a roof void can be of concern to home and business owners. And so they should be as rats can cause damage to electrical cabling and water pipes. This sort of damage can be very costly for homeowners and can even cause a fire.

If you think you may have rats in the roof void call Sunnystate pest control services to carry out an inspection. We will identify the pest and set out a plan to get rid of them.

Rats are nocturnal this means they are creatures of the night. They are most common between dawn and dusk this is when they look for potential food sources. It’s easier to identify a rat problem from signs they leave behind such as droppings or gnawing rather than actually seeing them.

How To Identify Rats in the roof

Rat Droppings

Their dropping can be found in concentrated areas. Rats can produce an amazing 40 droppings each night. The brown rat has a very dark brown dropping and they are tapered in shape around 9mm – 14mm in length.  The droppings are the easiest way to identify rats.

Scratching Noises from rats in the roof

Think you may have rats in the roof. Well, the black rat which is also known as the roof rat is a very good climber and very agile. They can easily find their way into roof voids and upper floors of buildings and high rises. Scratching sounds at night from the roof void can be the first signs of rats in the roof. The brown rat which is closely related to the roof rat is not as agile. They can sometimes be heard scurrying under verandah decking, sheds and floorboards.

Rat Footprints and running tracks

When rats scurry around they leave footprints and tail marks in dusty areas of buildings that are less-used. Using a strong torch and shining it over the surface may reveal their tracks. An easy way to determine if there’s an infestation, sprinkle talcum powder over an area of flooring close to existing footprints then check them the next day for fresh tracks. This will help to identify how big a rat problem there may be.

Surface Rub Marks

Rats tend to use the same routes along skirting boards and walls as they are very cautious and also have poor eyesight. As rats spend a lot of time in dirty environments grime on their bodies can leave marks on surfaces they frequent and brush against. These marks can be an indication of rat activity. Because rub marks remain for prolonged periods of time they can’t be relied upon to correctly identify an active rodent infestation.

 Damage Caused By Rats

Rats have a special set of teeth that grow continuously they are called incisor teeth. They will gnaw on many different types of material including wood, plastic and even copper water pipes to keep their teeth trimmed. As mentioned earlier they are also known for chewing through electrical cables potentially resulting in a fire. Rats will also rip open food packets as they search for food this will leave teeth marks indicating their presence.


Rats are a bit like humans in that they like to stay warm this is why they are so often found nesting in roof voids and wall cavities. They will use shredded materials such as roof insulation, newspapers and different fabrics to make a comfortable nest. Their nests will also usually harbour their young and they will try to locate the nest close to a good food source. Places to check for signs of rats would be behind and under appliances in the kitchen, such as fridges and freezers and even under lounge suites. Rats will often make a comfortable nest inside a lounge suite using the material to stay warm. Rats in the roof will make use of insulation and have been known to pull it apart rendering it ineffective.

Rat Burrows

Although rats in the roof are very common the brown rats are very well known for their ability to excavate. They will dig extensive burrow systems which are used to shelter their young, store food and nesting. Burrows can be found in garden rubbish, compost heaps, under decking boards and concrete slabs of houses and sheds.

Reduce the risk of rats in the roof

Anyone that has chickens in their back garden will certainly have a rat problem. If you love those fresh eggs then you just have to except that rats will be around and they will need constant monitoring. Cleaning up garden rubbish is a great way to help deter rat activity if they have nowhere to harbour they will go elsewhere. For those of us that have cats or dogs make sure their food is stored is a steel container. Always remove unfinished pet food and never leave it out overnight as this will attract rats. These cunning little pests will harbour in the roof void and feed close by. So by eliminating potential easy food sources around the home or office you stand a better chance of getting rid of rats in the roof.


A rat problem can easily be brought under control by implementing a rodent management plan. This is done by placing bait stations in areas where rats frequent. Monitoring of the stations is important in keeping rat populations down. If you think you have rats in the roof or maybe running around the garden somewhere call Sunnystate pest control services and we’ll help you gain control.

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About author

Jason Neale is the owner of Sunnystate we are a professional Pest Control and Termite company servicing customers throughout Brisbane – Ipswich – Gold Coast and have been in the industry for over 20 years and is also a keen blogger.